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Bonbon Vodou (France / Réunion)

Photo of Bonbon Vodou

Bonbon Vodou is a dynamic musical duo comprised of Oriane Lacaille and Jerem Boucris, whose unique backgrounds and talents blend to create a captivating sound. Lacaille, hailing from a renowned musical family in Réunion, has been performing internationally since the age of 13. Her vibrant voice and masterful use of percussion and ukulele reflect her deep connection to the Creole rhythms and melodies of her tropical island homeland. Boucris, on the other hand, is the son of Lacanian psychiatrists with a rich background in rhythmic, poetic French singing. His style combines influences from North and West Africa, Indian Ocean, and Caribbean music, showcased through his distinctive oil-can guitar sound and rhythmic improvisation.

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Bonbon Vodou’s music, described as a confectionery of sound, is known for its clean yet compelling rhythms and poetic, emotional storytelling. Their track “Les Écailles de Chasteté” (The Scales of Chastity) is a narrative song that explores themes of purity and emotional armor: “My chastity scales love me too much to leave me / The therapist says, ‘it’s sublimated,’ the beautician says, ‘incarnated’ / Who will be able to touch my skin?”

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