Jérémie Arnold, who goes by his last name, is a French musician living in La Rochelle, a small city in Western France. With seven albums to his name, Arnold's music reflects his deep admiration for French chanson, drawing inspiration from legends like Serge Gainsbourg and Georges Brassens. His lyrics are known for their humor and insightful critique of society, complemented by a hint of gypsy and musette influences. Arnold's songs not only entertain but also offer a thoughtful reflection on modern life, blending light-heartedness with a touch of social commentary.
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Arnold’s song “Précaire” (Precarious) paints a vivid picture of a life marred by erratic employment and the struggle to find meaningful work: “I might act fierce / In my Hugo Boss suit / To the devil I sold / My soul in the business / I was the king of consultants / Admitting to selling hot air / Drifting through open spaces / In front of all the screens / Barely surviving on minimum wage / What's the point of working / If it makes me feel down / I’d rather rebel / And strum my guitar.”
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