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Musician Spotlight




Aaryamann Sethi, known by his stage name Aary, is a singer-songwriter born and based in Mumbai, India. He originally aspired to be a professional football player and even pursued this dream in England, but his journey took an unexpected turn when injuries put an end to his football career. It was during this challenging time away from home that he discovered his passion for music, which quickly became a source of hope and comfort. Over the years, Aary dedicated himself to learning and eventually writing music. When the world came to a standstill due to the Covid-19 pandemic, he seized the opportunity to record his first few songs. Locked in his room, he crafted demos that would ultimately transform his life. Now, Aary aims to inspire and touch the hearts of as many people possible through his music, marking a new and fulfilling chapter in his creative journey.

The track “Banjaara” is featured on the Putumayo album "World Love Songs." The title means “wanderer” in Hindi and is an invitation to find true freedom in the arms of love. The song is based on Aary’s own experiences with romance and describes a perspective on love that he aspires to: “Pack your things, let's go / Leave all your worries behind / We're just two travelers / With no fear of the end.”

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Featured on

World Love Songs

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