El Hijo del Búho was born in Barranquilla, Colombia and is an acclaimed artist and music producer renowned for his innovative fusion of Afro-Colombian folklore with electronic and pop influences. He took his stage name from his father, a well-known journalist and avid music collector. He gained significant recognition in 2020 when he was nominated for a Latin Grammy for his work as a music producer. His work delves deeply into the musical traditions of the Colombian Caribbean, often incorporating powerful messages of love and well-being into his music.
Featured Songs:
On the mystical “Amor Universal” (Universal Love), featured on Putumayo's Lounge World, El Hijo del Búho sings about the power of love and his joy for life. “There's only one thing that love gives you / And that's well-being / Thank you for the path / Thank you for my heartbeats / Thank you because today I know / That love is the way / Thank you for you and for me / For the shadow and its light.”
“En ti” (In You) is a collaboration with Fïo, a soul, R&B, and pop singer from Santiago, Chile. Blending a downtempo reggaeton rhythm with gaita (an indigenous reed flute used in traditional Colombian cumbia), the song conveys a message of perseverance and self-acceptance while searching for a personal truth and embracing the imperfections along the way: “Affection is within you / Calm is within you / Forgiveness is within you / The light is within you / I keep walking without stopping / I search, I search until I find / The path that leads me to my truth.
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