Benny Bleu Haravitch, a geologist and award-winning banjo player, finds inspiration in the Finger Lakes of New York state. His folk music reflects deep ecological contemplation, merging compassionate songwriting with captivating instrumentation. As an innovative traditional musician and a beloved songwriter, Benny Bleu tries to live up to the foundational ethos of folk music, “made by the folks, for the folks.”
Featured Song:
"Serenity Song," which originally appeared on Benny Bleu’s 2019 album Warm Prickly, describes the challenge of coping with the sudden loss of a loved one. Through its poignant and contemplative melodies, the music captures a sense of quiet reflection and carries a touch of vintage blues. “You can try to tell a tree that it's rooted in rocky soil / Like you can try to tell a truck that it uses too much oil / But that tree is gonna grow and that truck is gonna go / And you'll be left with all intentions spoiled.”
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